4 thoughts on “It's Alright

  1. i’m not sure what the problem is here, but it would appear {from the tone of the post} that the road you are travelling seems difficult….keep the faith? indeed sarah, keep the faith…have confidence in your ability to defeat whatever it is that appears to be stopping you going forward…i know little about you, but i have no doubt you will continue to believe in yourself and your ability to overcome whatever “it” is….i also have no doubt of your intelligence to see beyond what would appear, on the surface, difficult…
    believe, believe, believe….belief and determination go hand in hand to achieve whatever we want….no matter the doubts that run through your head, always believe you can do whatever you choose to do…i know your family is similar to our own…we lean on each other in the bad times, and rejoice with each other in the good times…to be surrounded by a loving family can sometimes make the all the difference in the world…
    whatever troubles you at this time? don’t ever doubt you CAN do anything you set your mind to and defeat anything that appears before you..
    michael, you give that girl a hug from down under…amazing what a hug can do now and then, even when the problem is not entirely understood…


  2. Sarah-
    Friends and family are very proud of you….I know I am….you’ve got what it takes….you can do whatever you put your mind to. I’ve recently had to rely on faith and I know you have faith….go there….it’ll help. Thinking of you!
    xo Lynn


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