Lighting a candle

I’m “lighting” a candle on the blog tonight for a dear friend that’s currently traveling through the sometimes bumpy and complex labyrinth of life.
My wife and I are praying for her to get through this nasty thing.
I understand all too well the power of prayer. So . . .
I’m asking for a few words whispered to the stars, maybe a candle lit in your home tonight in her memory.
My hope is that in several days things will look just a bit brighter.
Take a minute and do me that small favor, okay?
She will appreciate the prayers more than you’ll ever know.
I thank you all sincerely, in advance


11 thoughts on “Lighting a candle

  1. i’ve taken to lighting candles of late as you know…i’m going out shortly and will actually go and do it if you think it will help?
    don’t know what the problem is {no, not trying to find out either} but any friend of yours i consider part of my extended extra family, and this is what they do for each other yes?

    Light that candle.
    You are the perfect friend.
    Funny, I knew you’d be the very first to post.
    Prayers from Australia. How cool is that?
    Thanks, Mum


  2. prayers and phone calls hey? who would have guessed?
    you’re welcome…as always…have been, have lit, have said a prayer and managed to get home in one piece {read no bolt of lightning again..truly amazing!}
    hope all pans out ok ~m….silly as it sounds, if there’s anything i can do….well, you know the rest….


  3. I, as you know, have first hand knowledge of the power of prayer. Whatever your friend needs, I hope it happens for her. With prayer, faith and hope, she will be okay, especially with good friends helping to hold her up.


    Peace, Jenn. And thank you . . .


  4. Prayer? Check.
    Candle? Check.
    Done and done!

    Tanks, Red.
    Believe it or not, I think it helped.
    Situation is a bit better . . .


  5. I just read this post, so instead of sending out prayers to the night time stars, they’ve gone out to the morning sun. My candle’s burning, and I wish your friend the best.

    You’re the best, MB


  6. The power of prayer is a wonderful thing! It worked for us….on Saturday a special someone said if you beleive , your prayers WILL come true, maybe not in the way you would hope, but it will come true and on Sunday… happened. If you asked me before I would have been slightly skeptical. Here’s to prayer!

    Amen to that.
    Somebody must have heard Pamela and me . . . 😉
    I can only hope.


  7. Don’t know if I am too late, but a prayer has been spoken and a candle will be lit as soon as I am off work.

    Hope the situation is better man.

    Never too late for a prayer, Grimm.
    Much appreciated.


  8. I’m not a praying person, and this is a little late, but I’m sending plenty of positive thoughts your way…pass them onto your friend for me won’t you?

    Hope she gets through it, although I’m sure she will. The support of good friends is an amazing healer and help and she certainly has that in you and Pam doesn’t she?

    Cheers, Kelly

    Never too late for a prayer, Kel. Thanks.
    So nice to see your comment.
    Hoping you, Tony and the little one are well.


  9. Consider it done. (I’m sorry for posting this so late but at the same time I figure there cannot be too much prayer.)

    Once again, you can never be too late regarding prayer.
    I appreciate it (my friend as well)


  10. Count me in and I’m not even going to bother echoing the sentiments above – you already know I’m at it. I’ve had some of the same treatment lately and it has indeed helped, is helping so thank you always. Peace and love.

    Knew I could count on you, Roobs 😉


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